Gairoella Sallie was born in the year 1824 in the Cape of Goodhope. His parents, Damon Sallie and Carolina Sallie, as far is we know were brought to the Cape as slaves from Java (Indonesia). We assume this was during the 1700’s.
He was married and unfortunately his first wife passed on. We do not know much about her.
Later on he married his Second Wife, Amina Sallie nee Saban. They shared six children.
Four of them grew up to be adults and had families of their own. The other two passed on when they were younger.
This was the beginning of the Sallie Bloodline.
Sallie Family is a Genealogy Website. Information on this site is based on many years of research.
Family information is what we received from relatives, family, and friends.
Any information that needs to be corrected will only be changed with proper verification.
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